6、stars can’t shine without the darkness. Having a permanent image, pattern, or word created on the skin using needles and ink: 5、take every chance, drop every fear.
手腕:英文字刺青、翅膀紋身、魁紋身、tattoo 魁紋身魁刺青魁紋身館tattoo魁西門町三重市 魁刺青魁刺青魁紋身館tattoo魁西門町
Web 有全背紋身的男人:米迦勒及龍,靈感為圖解聖經啟示錄(die bibel in bildern:revelation)那章的圖,而上背則有啟蒙運動的口號「敢於求知」(sapere.
Look through examples of 刺青 translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
Tattooed uk / təˈtuːd/ us / təˈtuːd/ adjective.