Synonyms include bunshin (文身, lit. 'patterning the body'), shisei (刺青, lit. 'piercing with blue'), and gei (黥, lit. 'tattooing'). Web ご依頼 質問等がありましたら dmもしくは、lineから問い合わせをお願い致します。 #達磨 #下絵 #刺青 #志木 #埼玉 #新座 #翔んで埼玉 #デザイン #タトゥー #tattoo #伝統刺. Tattoos are also sometimes called horimono (彫り物, lit. 'carving') which have a slightly different significance.
志木 刺青 88 581 年代
In japanese, irezumi literally means 'inserting ink' and can be written in several ways, most commonly as 入れ墨. Each of these synonyms can also be read as irezumi, a gikun reading of these kanji.